Slice of Life: The Power of a Series on the Development of Lifelong Readers #SOL20 #IMWAYR

Slice of Life: The Power of a Series on the Development of Lifelong Readers #SOL20 #IMWAYR

Research demonstrates the positive connection between books written in a series and the development of lifelong readers. It makes sense - series set us up and then leave us wanting more. A young reader recently told me he only liked the series he could stream. Another told me she preferred the “read and wait” series. I have to be honest, when I first heard these comments, I needed a lifeline. I had no idea what they were talking about. Until one reader added, “Yeah, I’m a streamer. I don’t like having to wait a week to see the next episode.” Lightbulb. These readers are connecting television series with book series. How smart are they?! Here are some series I recently got hooked on … a few books out in each series with hopefully more on the way! What do we call that type of series?


This is a beautiful story of family and friendship. Readers will be on the edge of their seats hoping the Vanderbeekers children succeed in their secret mission. It will inspire conversations about justice, loss and point of view. Readers will be happy to know they do not have to say goodbye to these characters at the end of the book. The fourth in the series will be published in September 2020.


Stella is a character students will immediately bond with. Your readers will be right by her side as she navigates friendship, school and finding her voice. Look for the second book in this series this month!


This book is a must read for middle grade and middle school students. This is the first book in the series. There are two currently published. I love how the storylines mingle and come together in this book. Aven, the main character, is funny, smart, and brave. It is a story of empathy, acceptance, and courage. Readers will love getting to know Aven and Connor. It will also grab readers’ attention with the change in setting, fast pact plot and the mystery discovered at the theme park. I downloaded the second in the series to read today!

If you want to see the research on the impact of series on the reading development of lifelong readers — check out Kylene Beers blog post. I love helping classroom teachers add a section for series books to their library - it is often the most well-loved section. What series do your students love?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Marina, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers, and teachers here.

Slice of Life: It's Worth the Wait  #SOL20  #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: It's Worth the Wait #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life:  What Would You Say to Your Twenty-Year-Old Self?  #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: What Would You Say to Your Twenty-Year-Old Self? #SOL20 #TWTBlog