It's Monday!  Series I've Been Reading Alongside Students  #IMWAYR #Bookday #Booklove

It's Monday! Series I've Been Reading Alongside Students #IMWAYR #Bookday #Booklove

I am always on the lookout for new series.  There is a power to series books.  We know we like it, we know the next one will be familiar with a bit of surprise, they leave us wanting more after each book, and there is a built-in reading plan since we know what we are going to read next. Once we hook a reader on a series … we know we’ve got them!

Here are some series I have been reading with students this spring - add them to your classroom library and bookroom!

It's Monday ... Here's What I've Been Reading!  #bookaday #IMWAYR #booklove

It's Monday ... Here's What I've Been Reading! #bookaday #IMWAYR #booklove

#PoetryFriday #PoemsforMaryLee #MarvelousMaryLee

#PoetryFriday #PoemsforMaryLee #MarvelousMaryLee