What Could Be Better Than a Virtual Classroom Library?  A Virtual Bookroom!! #booklove #BetterTogether

What Could Be Better Than a Virtual Classroom Library? A Virtual Bookroom!! #booklove #BetterTogether

You know that saying …

                                                “If you build it, they will come.”

When it comes to teachers… they show up, they share, they help, they revise, and they make it even better! 

Last week I put an idea I created for teachers and literacy leaders I  partner with out into the world – a virtual classroom library.  I am truly overwhelmed by the response I received from educators across the country.  So …once again, I started thinking.  How could I virtually create a  space for all of us to work together and share?  What virtual structure could I create that would simulate grab-and-go baskets for teachers to simply and quickly take and incorporate into a virtual classroom library or student reading bag? How could we once again work together to empower students and make the book supply seem endless in the eyes of a reader?  I fiddled and played and revised. I tested and redesigned and retested.   

A virtual bookroom!  We all know classroom libraries need to stay fresh and attract readers with a flow of new books.  Teachers need a systematic way to rotate the inventory in their virtual classroom library.  We need to continue to support our students in developing their reading identities and their reading lives.  We need to give them a space that looks familiar to them and supports their continued growth in choosing books that matter to them. 

Last week, I used google docs to create the virtual classroom library because many of my partner districts use google classroom.  This platform works really well, but the teachers and literacy leaders who have been experimenting with me this week found Padlet to be an easier platform to use.  Teachers can literally grab baskets from the Padlet virtual bookroom and send them to their Padlet virtual classroom library or student(s) book bag. 

My hope is to create something that is as quick and easy as possible for teachers.  Teachers cannot add one more thing to their plate right now. If we work together, we can support each other in provisioning virtual classroom libraries.

Are you ready to see how?

 Here is the link to the Virtual Bookroom Padlet Board: https://padlet.com/clare_landrigan/rxeejk29cavxh5oi

Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 2.16.22 PM.png

Here it the link to a Virtual Classroom Library Padlet Board:


 Here is the link to a Padlet Board with videos and resources to support you DIY with Google Docs:

If you want to work together to increase access for students, please email me at clare.landrigan@gmail.com. I would love to work together to add more baskets to the virtual bookroom. We are truly #BetterTogether!








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