Slice of Life:  Catch of the Day  #SOL21

Slice of Life: Catch of the Day #SOL21


Ice Fishing


A community that gathers daily 

Emerging with the sunrise

Still gathered at sunset


Working together

Sharing augers

Visiting shanties


Slammers set up

Hole hopping begins

Waiting for the flag to signal


Spending long days

Bracing the cold 

In hopes of a catch


More often

Stories, laughs and memories

Are taken home

I spent the past few days watching my mother-in-law paint the ice shanty that was the scene of my accident.  It was not a steep ski slope, a mountain ridge snow-shoeing trail or a fancy ice skating move that did me in – it was simply shooting the breeze in my characteristic fashion with the local ice fishermen that caused my broken arms to be the catch of day!

Poetry Type is Ekphrasis: poetry that is inspired by art.  Inspired by the poem Reach in Dictionary for A Better World by Irene Latham & Charles Waters. This book is available in Epic – it is one of my favorite poetry books!


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more Slice of Life stories.

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